Preventing a Vitamin L Deficiency

Have you ever heard of Vitamin L?

Vitamin L is the best-kept secret. It is not something you want to leave out of your diet. It is a necessary vitamin, and if you have a deficiency in it, you may be missing out on a higher well-being, satisfaction, and happiness level.

What is Vitamin L and where can I get it?

Vitamin L is short for Vitamin Love and refers to not only what you choose to eat but with what kind of loving practices and environment you choose to eat it in.

The Scoop on Cheat Meals...

Before we discuss what a cheat meal is, let’s clarify what it is not…

Cheat meals are not cheat days or entire weekends of diet debauchery. They are not an all-out eat-till-you-can’t-move, want-to-puke-fest. And if you’re not cutting calories and increasing your training, and have cheat meals multiple times a week, it’s not a cheat meal—you probably just have a crappy diet. Cheat meals require planning and self-control. A really big component is the planning part.

4 Quick and Sweaty interval training circuits

Body Weight Tabata Circuit (~20 Minutes)

Tabata is a very specific interval style workout. One circuit lasts only 4 minutes—but boy is it a long 4 minutes! You’ll feel both your muscles and your lungs burning. A tabata circuit involves a 20-second hard work period followed by a 10-second rest period. This is then repeated for 8 rounds, for a total of 4 minutes.

Five Machines Worth Using!

Five Machines Worth Using!

A great way to assess trends in the fitness industry is to look at how gym layouts are changing and what types of equipment are taking up the budget.

Today, free space in gyms is a hot commodity and box-style, open-warehouse gyms are all the rage. Facilities boast about having green turf, and functional training, kettlebells, medicine balls, Crossfit, and even powerlifting are some of the hottest buzzwords in fitness right now.

Top Five Ways to Support Your Spouse’s Weight Loss Goals

An estimated 45 million Americans are on a diet each year. Chances are, your spouse is one of them. Recently, my wife decided that she wanted to lose 20lbs. Although I think she is perfect, I know that losing weight will make her feel more confident and comfortable in her own skin.

So, I sat down and seriously asked myself… Am I hurting or helping the cause?

Top 5 Ways to Eliminate Evening Snacking

When it comes to weight loss, an Achilles heel for many is evening snacking. To clarify, we are not talking about having a late dinner. Regardless of the time, if you are due for a meal, you should eat. What we are addressing here is reaching for the pretzels, chips and ice cream, post-dinner.

Eliminating this habit can and will do great things for your waistline.

Top 5 Ways To Have a Better Workout

The stars may not always align when it comes to having your very best workout every time you set foot in the gym, however, there are principles you can apply that can create a good level of consistency with your workouts, making them consistently productive.

Four Simple Tips for Weight Loss

By Mike Occhipinti


One of the most frequently asked questions are “what do you eat” or “what should I eat if I want to lose some weight?” If you are one of those people who find yourself asking or wondering these questions, you might find this article as a good stepping stone to get you on your way. Now let me state I am not a nutritionist or dietician, but I can share with you some tools I have seen personally work for me and my clients. Lets talk about four simple ways to get the ball rolling.


What is a "proprietary blend" and why you should avoid at all costs!!

In talking with people throughout the health and fitness industry, it always surprises me how many are unaware of what a proprietary blend is and what it actually means. It is nearly impossible these days to pick up any weight loss or pre workout supplement without seeing the words in nice bold letters, “proprietary blend”

Functional Training

While some view functional training as doing 4 different movements while standing on a bosu ball, here at the Bodyshop Studio we view it as any exercise that improves everyday activities.